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Join Us 2018-06-25T22:57:23+00:00

How to Join the Choir

Should your child wish to try the choir or  join you can rest assured they are in the best of hands right here in Bendigo.

Please don’t hesitate to phone and discuss joining with one of our key people or just complete the form below.

    Child's Details

    Does your child have any formal singing experience?

    Parent/Guardian's Details

    How did you hear about us?

    Please prove you are human by selecting the Car.

    Bendigo Youth Choir

    Where are we located?

    The choir is based at the St Andrews Uniting Church Hall at 26 Myers Street, Bendigo.
    Teaching and rehearsal is from 6-8pm Wednesday evenings during the school calendar.

    Our creed

    Vide ut quod ore cantas, corde credis, et quod corde credis, operibus comprobes

    Take heed that what you sing with your mouths, you believe in your hearts, and what you believe in your hearts, you show forth in your works.